
Three bodies are discovered in a disused nunnery in Ilfracombe. They appear to have nothing in common with each other except being left together dead on the cold stone floor. It falls to Detective Inspector Alan Dymond and his team to solve this baffling mystery. His obsession with the vexing case puts a heavy strain on his marriage. Matters become even worse for him when a Detective Chief Inspector Lynch from Homicide takes over his case. Rivals have to learn to work together As they delve deeper into the mystery surrounding the deaths. As new evidence comes to light it becomes clear that the deaths have something to do with what happened at the nunnery in the distant past, when it functioned as a work house. As the pieces come together a terrible truth is revealed that sends a shiver of revulsion through the whole north Devon community.
ISBN: 9781788764483
Type: Paperback
Pages: 378
Published: 25 July 2018
Price: $12.95

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