Smarty the future 2061 One futuristic dog & one man Trilogy Book Two

This is the second book of a trilogy in which we see Smart, a futuristic dog with Kelly his owner befriended by undercover agent Major Alan Knight. Who was instrumental in rescuing Kelly and her friends from the clutches of a militant band. They are now faced somehow, of having to travel the entire length of the country to reach the safety of Scotland. We join them on their journey, which itself is broken by the necessity to rescue other captives. And what was it about the deserted RM food bank, and why. were the robot guards, aiming their lasers at an empty sky. Who was hiding in the camouflaged vehicle at the end of the car park of the food bank. What was it about Sgt Jones that was bugging Major Alan Knight. And what secret was he about to disclose to the entire company, he had promised to help. All is revealed in the second book of this trilogy.
ISBN: 9781785105937
Type: Paperback
Pages: 268
Published: 3 March 2015
Price: $12.95

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