This is a story of love and imagination I stubbled across the idea last winter time but it is a summer time story. yep its me b s Bhamra with my crazy ideas. THE BOOK SPAGHETTI MOON HAS NOW GOT A SECOND PART two it with the same characters Benjamin and LUCY TERE ARE FUNNY PARTS AND SEROUIISUS PARTS to this story and you have to use your imagination all the way through it to understand it fully I want you to be Benjamin AND Lucy just for a short time THE INSPIRATION MY THOUGHTS with this sorry I just used the idea and built my stories as I wrote it using my chapters titles to create my written material and with the i created the second part part 2 of spaghetti moon
ISBN: 9781835972571
Type: Paperback
Pages: 134
Published: 23 October 2024
Price: $10.25
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