spirit five the kingdom of the golden castle
The story is the sixth part of my spirit five story's once again it is all about Lucy and Benjamin and their on an adventure i created them way back in 2012 i think i have kept their story line pretty much the same however on this occasion i have introduced their new super Villan his name is Oxbridge Lucy future has changed and she is living with foster parents the reason for this is that i too come from a foster home as for her friends she has problems why have i left her friendless i want the reader to feel sorry for her. this is spirit five kingdom of the golden castle. in this particular story they have some equipment to help them why you may ask because their suits did not fit the full plot of the story as they were in the desert.
ISBN: 9781803026671
Type: Paperback
Pages: 124
Published: 18 November 2022
Price: $10.25
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