Full Circle

Adventures abound in the final book of this trilogy: From a bus ride to a garden Fete. A trip on the ship The Queen Mary and a passenger aircraft and Children getting caught in a flood tide. Also a kidnapping and two disatrous marriages. The impact WW2 has on the family and lives of Margaret and Rory's three children. George, Wiliam and Catherine. The story starts where book two concluded, after the marriage of Lady Margaret Astley and Sir Rowland Hamilton, and follows the intervening years from 1922 through to the present day. The lives of their children and grandchildren, linking to events in the first two books. 'The Summer that Never Happened' and 'The Astley Journals'. Robert Astley-Gibsons vey first meeting with Emma Hayworth and when he first saw his grandmother's journals. How Robert and Emma eventually became reunited and how their life comes 'FULL Circle'.
ISBN: 9781839450952
Type: Hardback + Dust Jacket
Pages: 306
Published: 5 December 2019
Price: $19.45

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