This book is to inspire other citizens of humanity especially the youth and children to express themselves through art, to draw or to paint with different styles and techniques, different paints creating texture and depth, to bring the beauty and wonder and nature of this three dimensional reality to life, in the form of the expression of art, in this book are some of my Ultra violet three dimensional acrylic artworks on canvas, with photos of each of the canvases in normal light and also under Ultra Violet light, with these painting under ultra violet light I then wear a pair of 3D glasses and the pictures come of the canvas becoming three dimensional, alive with spirit with energy. Art is a great way for adults and especially youth and children to express there emotions with out have to use words, it can be used as therapy to release those emotions held in, releasing anxiety and stress, i wish you well on your journey of the expression of art, Namaste LoveLifeLee.
ISBN: 9781803020150
Type: Paperback
Pages: 172
Published: 18 June 2021
Price: $11.27

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